KAH-ROE-SHI 'SHI' cd released by 13 local DIY labels!

20 October 2006


Dean from Papakerma @ At Least I Speak supposed put up this show, but Ateng and friends from 28-7 Records ended up organizing it. Kudos to them, the show still goes on rather than cancelled!

Their bill was so cool with lotsa new bands to check out! But I'm too nervous to watch any bands except for Killeur Calculateur that played right before us. Nice post punk act with lotsa angst (now that is something!).

I was either chilling at the rooftop or the mamak downstairs.

Then dang! I heard good reviews about the other bands that played. Stupid me, I missed the fun eh?

Maybe it was the crowd made me so nervous. Oh well!

We're Kah-Roe-Shi and that was our last song. KID

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