KAH-ROE-SHI 'SHI' cd released by 13 local DIY labels!

11 May 2008

I know many of you are wondering about what gonna happen with the shows at the annexe. Sorry for going off on this tour without settling the matter. It was quite a hectic time all of us. But i will try to save all the shows booked when I get back. Sabar ya! - Joe & The Dung.

This is latest hit we got regarding our 'suddenly-uncertain' next gig aka cd/7" release party at the 'used to be a democratic space' Annexe, Central Market this Wesak Day@Monday, 19/05. However if Joe Kidd couldnt work it out with the management, Cellulite Records might settled with Noisy Studio in Ampang.

A bummer we know! But I guess what doesnt kill us only gonna makes us stronger. But we're really worried about Ricecooker and Bau-Bau Cafe (runs by Food Not Bombs volunteers). What will the future holds for them?

- Kid Useless
ps; Now we're looking for a new venue for Crux, Cut Sick, Margrudergrind, Conquest For Death and KLFemme Fest, you got any ideas?

1 comment:

zeezam said...

ah shit!!